This is a space where I, Sam, one part of the married duo, will share some of our everyday highs and lows in this crazy thing we call A Perfectly Imperfect Marriage.


With a strong emphasis on IMPERFECT!


"We do NOT DO because we cannot. We DO NOT do because we do not want to.  For when we want to do something we make a way."

What's Behind the Anger?

Anger is often seen as a powerful and uncontrollable force. When someone is angry, it can feel like an explosion of raw emotion. However, anger is actually a secondary emotion, which means it typically masks deeper, more primary feelings. Understanding what's behind the anger can help us address...

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Are we ready to persevere in the face of past failures?

Everyone encounters setbacks and failures. The key is how you respond to these challenges. 


This week Ive seen a lot of posts on social media and had a couple few conversations with friends that are going through some hard times. I too have had a few weeks of inner struggles. Just a...

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Making time for your spouse.

First off, let's acknowledge that life is busy. Between demanding jobs, household chores, and social commitments, finding time can feel impossible. Here is the pointed truth though, that is anything but a secret, it’s not about having time; it’s about making time. Prioritizing your...

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Examining SELF

This week Ive been writing about becoming the best version of you, no matter where your relationship is at. And how finding direction through Jesus is the best way to get there.

If you have not read my last two posts “Your spouse dosnt have to change, you do.” And “Becoming the...

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Becoming the best version of you, what exactly does that mean?

Well for me, and I hope you too, it means that I draw closer to God. Consistently and intentionally, working to become the woman, wife, mother, daughter, friend, co-worker, ect., He has called me to be. Now don’t get me wrong, some days I’m just plain old tired and even just typing...

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Your spouse doesn't have to change, you do.

Listen up my friends. If I can bestow upon you one tremendously important piece of information it is this. You can be the only person who changes and see great new beginnings.  


For some of us we are waiting for the person whom we love dearly to wake up and become the person we...

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How's your ego looking?

Throughout the bible we see many with an inflated sense of self. The bible starts right off with satan who wants to be at the same level as God (Isaiah 14:13-15) and then slyly duping Eve into the same frame of mind (Genesis 3:4-6). And let me add this little caveat, right from the beginning,...

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Mental Distortion


I often think I've got my hubby all figured out, then we have a little argument or disagreement, and we are both left looking at each other like, what alien ship swung buy and traded out bodies!


I know it is safe to say others have faced this same dilemma, just when you think you...

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Becoming a better you

I read a lot of books, and if you've been following my writing for any amount of time you've heard me mention that. The reason I'm mentioning it again is because I'm hopeful it will pique your interest to pick up a book, or an audible, and try out one or two of the ones that have been mentioned...

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How offended are you?

We've all encountered those moments when someone's words or actions rub us the wrong way, triggering a cascade of emotions. But why do some people seem continually offended while others remain cool as a cucumber? 

The answer lies in two words; unhealed and healed.

An unhealed person cannot...

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Healing words

 When you tell someone, “I love you. I’m proud of you. You did an amazing job.”  

You’re not just being kind; you are sending out waves of healing.  

Healing over minds. Mending the wounds of past hurts and healing over hearts. 

Let’s face it,...

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Are you digging your paradigm?

When you think of your marriage what comes to mind? How do you see your hubby/wife?

Confrontational, angry, nitpicky, nag, procrastinator…..

Ally, partner, openminded, go-getter, joyful….

How you see will determine how you will act.

If you want small changes in your life,...

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